Aero Basics
- How to schedule a free support session
- Reset the Authenticator App
- Searching without entering an exact name
- Changing your password
- How to change your Aero subscription
- Enter a Credit Card
Defining Your Services
- What is the difference between an Action Link and a Help Link?
- Add an Action Link or Help Link to an Aero, Recurring Aero, or Checklist Template
- Edit a Procedure
- How to Edit an Email Template
- How to Create an Email Template
- Create Aero Type
Organizing Services
- How to add a due date to a recurring Aero
- How do I add Aeros / Recurring Aeros to an Aero Group?
- Create new Aero
- Create a Recurring Aero
- Create an Aero using a Checklist Template
- Create a Recurring Aero using a Checklist Template
Doing Your Work in aero
- Adding historical time to Aero
- Recording client notes in Aero
- My Preferences
- My Dashboard
- My Aeros
- Working on an Aero
Manage your firm in Aero
- Vault Entries List Report
- Managing Your Firm with Aero
- Ways to use Aero Groups
- Report: Time Cost vs Amount Billed in QuickBooks Online Summary
- Manage Aeros
- Manage Time
Companies, Contacts, Email Addresses
- Create a new Customer Tag
- How to Add a Contact to a Company
- Contacts and Companies
- Customers by Team Member
- How to add a new customer
- Importing Customers, Contacts, Email Addresses
- Connect Aero to QuickBooks Online
- Mapping Aero to QuickBooks Online
- Connecting Aero to Office 365
- How the Aero - Office 365 sync works
- Forward an email to Aero
- How the Aero-QuickBooks Online Sync Works
- What is an Aero Advisor Account?
- Ways to Use Aero Advisor
- Create a New Managed Account
- Adding Users to a Managed Account
- Sharing templates and procedures with a Managed Account
- Setting up Tasks in a Managed Account
Aero University
- How can I start an Aero and also have access to the customer vault?
- Cloning a Recurring Aero to speed setting up client work
- How to handle Dependent Tasks
- How can I assign Aeros to an inactive user?
- What's the best way to set up my Aero account for my tax firm?
- Video Tutorials
- Yikes! I closed the tab with a timer running! How do I rescue that time that was on the timer?
- Can I merge duplicate customers in Aero?
- How can I hide order numbers on an Aero?
- I deleted a recurring Aero, but it's still showing up
- What does "On Hold" mean for a customer?
- Why am I getting an error when inserting occurrences in a Recurring Aero?
- Release Notes 11-10-23
- Release Notes 10-30-2023
- Release Notes 4-7-23
- Release Notes 2-9-2023
- Release Notes 12-10-2022
- Release Notes 10-22-2022