A list of Vault entries, grouped by Company. It lists all Vault entries across all companies. No entries from the "Secured Value" field are available in this report. This report will also honor security levels so that anyone running the report will not see Vault entries with a security level higher than the one assigned to them.
Report Defaults
- Filtered for all Vault entries
- The information is grouped by Company.
- Sorted alphabetically by Company Name, with the vault entries alphabetical by Name within each company
- Clicking on the Company Name will take you to the Edit Company screen.
- Default Columns:
- Company Name
- Vault Entry Name
- Vault Entry User Name
- Vault Entry Description
- Vault Entry Type
- Vault Entry Security Level
Click the Print link in the upper right corner to save the report as a pdf or to send it to a printer.
After you have customized a report, you can click the Memorize link in the upper right corner to save your custom report so you can run it again. You'll be given a chance to name your report and even give it a description. The next time you want to run your custom report, click the Memorized tab, find your custom report, and click Run Report.
Click the Customize link to see all your customization choices. The customization options give you the ability to create many unique reports based on this one starting point.
- Filter Options
- Company - Filter for one Company or no filter for all Companies
- Vault Entry Name - Search for a name or part of a name
- Vault Entry User Name - Search for a username or part of a username
- Vault Entry Description - Search for a description or part of a description
- Vault Entry Type
- Vault Entry Security Level
- Grouping Options- Grouping gives you subtotals for that specific group.
Company - sorted alphabetically by Company Name, with the vault entries alphabetical by Name within each company
Type - sorted alphabetically by Type, with the vault entries alphabetical by Name within each Type
Security Level - sorted in Security Level order, with the vault entries alphabetical by Name within each security level
No grouping - sorted alphabetically by Vault Entry Name
- Optional Columns
- Vault Entry Link
- Company Account Number
Click the Report to CSV button to export the report to CSV. Data will be exported according to your filter options. All columns will be included and the data will not be grouped in any way.
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