You can use the Batch Update Aeros screen to change a batch of Recurring Aeros all at the same time. There are some limitations:
- You cannot add or edit steps
- You cannot batch delete
- You cannot change the occurrence schedule
If you want to change anything else in a batch (like who it's assigned to or an Aero Type), here is how you do it:
- Navigate to Manage > Batch Update Aeros
- Set your date range for no more than a month. When you do the update, Aero is going to cycle through each Recurring Aero and all of its occurrences. If you set your date range for a longer period of time, it will capture multiple occurrences of the same Recurring Aero, causing Aero to loop through two or three times, and most likely creating a time-out error. If you are updating Recurring Aeros that occur weekly or even daily, set your date range accordingly.
- Choose any other filter options that make sense.
- On the Make Changes screen, enter the new information in the fields you want to update.
- Check the Also Update Recurring checkbox
- Do not check the "Mark as Changed" checkbox
- Select the Aeros that you want to update or check the box at the top to select all. Select only one occurrence of each Recurring Aero
- Click the Update Selected Aeros box.
- Be patient, it might take a while. You can leave the tab open and go do something else while it's processing.
- If you get a timeout error, you can start over with a smaller group- although some of the Recurring Aeros will have been updated before the timeout.
- If you are trying to update Recurring Aeros that occur less frequently than monthly, try selecting a date range when the occurrences will fall.
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