To accept an Aero that has been assigned to you, from the My Aeros, My Dashboard, or My Schedule screen, click the airplane icon on the Aero you want to work on.
The parts of the 'Consume Aero' screen are as follows:
- Aero Subject. The subject of the Aero appears at the top of the screen. There is a dropdown next to the subject that allows you to create a related Aero or email.
- Checklist. If the task has predefined steps, they will be listed at the top. On the left of each step is a checkbox that you can check as you complete each step. The columns in the step list are:
- Order: the order number of the step (if you want to hide the order numbers, here's how you can do that)
- Name: A brief description of the step.
- Description: (Optional) A more detailed description of the step.
- Resources: (Optional) Links to internal documents, websites, and/or SOPs for that step or task.
- Time notes. Brief notes about what you do during each time block you spend working on the Task. As you check off steps in the checklist, time notes will automatically be created. These notes will stay with the time entry, but not the Aero, so if you Save & Defer the Aero, the time notes box will be blank.
- Comments. This text box is a space for you to make comments about the task as you go along. The comments stay with the Aero and are internal to your company.
- Some information about the Aero, including the Aero Type, Priority, and Estimated (Budgeted) time allotted for the Aero. You may also see a Company, Contact, Hat, or Aero Group if they have been designated for the Aero.
- Timer. When you first open the Do Task Screen, you will notice that the green timer starts automatically. If you click on the timer, you can Pause, Defer, or Complete the Aero. How to use the Aero Timer.
- Billable. If this box is checked, the firm is billing by the hour for this Aero.
If the Aero is associated with a Company, you will see the following tabs at the bottom of your screen:
Company Info |
- Accounting Software: What accounting software package the company uses.
- Email Address: The default email address for the company.
- Account Number: The account number assigned to this company.
- Phone: The main phone number for the company.
- Fax: The main fax number for the company.
- Website URL: The company’s web address.
- Type: The company type (Customer, Vendor, Lead, Employee, Owner, Other).
- Active: If the box is checked, the company is currently active.
- Address: The company’s physical address.
- On Hold: If the box is checked, the company is currently on hold, and no further work should be done
- Notes: if there are notes on the Company, they will appear here.
Company Aeros |
- View: Clicking the blue View button will take you to the Edit Aero Screen
- User: The team member the Aero is assigned to
- Start Date: The original assigned start date of the Aero (not the actual start date)
- Hours: The estimated hours for that Aero.
- Subject: The title or subject of the Aero
- Status: The current status of the Aero (Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Canceled, Deferred)
- Type: The type of Aero.
- Rec: Whether or not this a recurring Aero (Yes/No)
Company Contacts: |
- View: Click the View button to open the Edit Contact window for that contact.
- Name: The full name of the contact.
- Email: The default email address for that contact.
- Phone: The phone number(s) for that contact.
- Active: Whether or not the contact is currently active (yes/no).
Time |
- Id: The time entry ID number.
- Date: The date of that time entry.
- Team Member: The team member who submitted the time entry.
- Hours: The hours (or fraction of an hour) spent working on the task in that entry. This number is in decimals, not hours and minutes
- Note: Any time notes entered during that time block.
- Billable: Whether or not the time is billable.
- QB Item: The QB Service Item this time entry will be associated with.
Vault |
- Name: The name of the vault entry.
- User name: If the vault entry is a login, the user name would be here.
- Secured Value: This field is encrypted. This is where the password or other sensitive information would go.
- Description: a short description of the vault entry if needed.
- Type: The type of vault entry (General, Login, Bank, Notes)
- Security Level: Assigning a security level control who can see the information. For example, a vault entry with a security level of SL5 could only be seen by team members with an assigned security level of SL5 or higher.
Company Team Members |
The Team Members tab will list all of the team members that are on this Company's "team." More on how customer teams work in Aero.
- Name: The name of the Aero user
- Security Level: The user's security level.
- Active: Whether or not the team member is an active Aero user. Note that inactive users will be listed until they are removed from the company's team
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