If you have connected Aero to your Office 365 and asked Aero to automatically check your email without first making sure that you don't have hundreds of unread messages, it's possible that you log in the next day to find 20 messages from Aero saying your inbox is overflowing. Once you've fixed that problem, you'll want to clear all those messages. You have to be at least an SL6 to do this:
- Navigate to Manage > Batch Update Aeros
- Set your filters: the date range, probably choose yourself as Assigned to, and then choose a priority of critical (all the email error messages have a critical status). Click the Next button.
- On the next screen,
- check the box next to the word Date to select all the Aeros
- choose Canceled from the Change Status drop-down
- click the Update Selected Aeros button
That should clear out all those messages.
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