To add something to the client Vault
- Click the Add new record button in the blue header.
- Type your new vault entry in the new row that was created. Be careful not to type in the filter row!
- When you are done creating the Vault entry, click the Save changes button. This is especially important if you are adding a new Vault entry while in the "Do Task" screen, as there is no auto-save on that screen.
- Each vault entry can (but doesn't have to) contain the following information:
- Name: this is a descriptive name for the Vault entry, like Bank Login or QuickBooks Online closing password.
- User Name: if the Vault entry is login information, the username would go here.
- Secured Value: anything you put in the Secured Value field is encrypted in the database. So this is where you put especially sensitive information like passwords, tax id numbers, bank account numbers, etc.
- Description: you can enter any information you want here. Some people put security questions and answers in the description field.
- Link: you can paste a URL in the link field that when clicked will launch in a new tab.
- Type: choose one of four types from the dropdown - General, Login, Bank, or Notes.
- Security Level: control who on your team can see the vault entry by setting a security level. For example, a vault entry with a security level of SL5 can only be seen by users with a security level of SL5 or higher.
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