As time goes on, you may find that you want to delete existing Aeros, Recurring Aeros, Aero Groups - and other things in Aero. You can delete or make inactive almost anything in Aero– here's how you do that.
- To delete a single Aero, go into edit mode and click the Delete button. If you get a warning that there is time associated with the Aero, go into edit mode and change the Status to Canceled.
- To delete an email while you're reading it, click the Reply button and choose Delete. You can also use the method above. Deleting an email in Aero will not delete it in your Office 365 inbox.
- To delete a lot of Aeros, use the Batch Update Aeros feature to change the Status of multiple Aeros to Canceled. Make sure that you check the box 'Mark as Changed' so that future updates of Recurring Aeros don't change the status.
Aero Groups
You can change the status of an Aero Group to "Completed" or "Canceled". Aero Groups with either one of those statuses' will no longer appear in the Aero Group dropdowns.
You can't delete time entries. You can edit them so that the time equals zero. If you're syncing time to QBO, you can delete time entries there– but deleting time in QBO does not delete them in Aero.
Recurring Aeros
To delete a Recurring Aero, find it on the Manage Recurring Aeros screen and click View to edit it. Click the Delete button. This will delete all occurrences that have not yet been started, as well as the Recurring Aero.
Checklist Templates
To delete a Checklist Template, find the template you want to delete and click the View button to edit it. Click the Delete button. Deleting a Checklist Template will not affect any Aeros or Recurring Aeros that were created using that Template.
- You can't delete a Company in Aero, but you can make it inactive. Find the Company you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit it. Uncheck the Active box and click Save and Close.
- The company will no longer appear in any of the Company drop-down menus.
- If you want to hide the Company on the Manage Companies screen, Select "Is True" in the Active column and then click the Make Sticky Button.
- If there are Aeros that are assigned to that Company, there will be a number instead of a name in the Company field.
- Making a Company inactive does not automatically cancel Aeros and Recurring Aeros associated with that Company.
- If your Aero account is synced to a QBO and/or TSheets account, the Company will be made inactive in QBO and/or TSheets as well.
- You can't delete a Contact in Aero, but you can make it inactive. Find the Contact you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit it. Uncheck the Active box and click Save and Close.
- The Contact will no longer appear in any of the Contact drop-down menus.
- If there are Aeros that are assigned to that Contact, there will be a number instead of a name in the Contact field.
Aero Groups
- Find the Aero Group you want to delete and click the View button to edit it.
- Change the Status to Canceled and Save and Close.
- The Aero Group will no longer appear on the Manage Aero Group screen unless you specifically look for Aero Groups with a status of canceled.
- Canceled Aero Group will not appear on any Aero Group drop-down list.
Email Templates
Find the Email Template that you want to delete and click the View button to edit it. Click the Delete button at the top of the screen.
- You can't delete a Procedure in Aero, but you can make it inactive.
- Find the Procedure you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit it. scroll down to the bottom of the screen and uncheck the Active box. Save and Close.
- If there is an Aero that points to an inactive procedure, users will still be able to see the procedure.
Email Addresses
- You can't delete an email address in Aero.
- You can stop emails from an email address from being imported into Aero. Find the email you want to exclude from import and click the View button to edit it. Check the
Team Members
- You can't delete Team Members in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Team Member you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- The Team Member will no longer be able to log into Aero.
- The Team Member will no longer appear in any of the Assigned To drop-down menus.
- The Team Member will no longer count towards the number of users in your subscription.
- If there are Aeros that are assigned to that Team Member, there will be a number instead of a name in the Assigned To field.
- If you re-activate the Team Member, their password will be reset to a new temporary password and they will receive a new invitation to log into Aero.
Accounting Software Types
- You can't delete Accounting Software Types in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Software Type you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- Inactive Software Types will not show up in dropdown menus.
- If an inactive Software Type is assigned to a Company, it will appear as a number, not a name.
Aero Types
- You can't delete Aero Types in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Aero Type you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- Inactive Aero Types will not show up in dropdown menus.
- If an inactive Aero Type is assigned to an Aero, Recurring Aero, or Checklist Template, it will appear as a number, not a name.
Aero Group Types
- You can't delete Aero GroupTypes in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Aero Group Type you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- Inactive Aero Group Types will not show up in dropdown menus.
- If an inactive Aero Group Type is assigned to an Aero Group, it will appear as a number, not a name.
Procedure Types
- You can't delete Procedure Types in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Procedure Type you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- Inactive Procedure Types will not show up in dropdown menus.
- If an inactive procedure Type is assigned to a Procedure, it will appear as a number, not a name.
- You can't delete a Hat in Aero, but you can make them inactive.
- Find the Hat you want to make inactive and click the View button to edit. Uncheck the Active box and Save and Close.
- Inactive Hats will not show up in dropdown menus.
- If an inactive Hat is assigned to an Aero, Recurring Aero, or Checklist Template, it will appear as a number, not a name.
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