Find a Recurring Aero to Edit
Tip: When you change the basic information or the steps, all of the unchanged occurrences will be updated once you Save & Close the Recurring Aero.
- Navigate to Manage > Recurring Aero.
- On the Manage Recurring Aeros screen, use the sort and filter features of the grid to find the Recurring Aero that you want and click the View button to edit it.
- -OR- Run the Recurring Aeros list report and click the View button on the Recurring Aero you want to Edit
Basic actions
Use the buttons at the to of the screen to:
- Delete the Recurring Aero. This will delete the Recurring Aero as well as any Unchanged Occurrences.
- Make a copy of the Recurring Aero (More > Clone).
- Create a Checklist Template using the Recurring Aero (More > Copy to Template)
- View the Audit info (available for Large Subscriptions only)
- Click the Cancel button to close without saving and return to the Manage Recurring Aeros screen.
Edit the basic information
- Choose a Category. It defaults to Task, but you can create a recurring appointment too.
- Estimated Duration. Choose a time by clicking on the clock icon, or enter one by typing. Make sure you enter time in the hh:mm format.
- (optional) Enter a number in the Days to Due Date. If there is a window of time to perform this task, the Due Date will be automatically calculated based on the number of days entered here and the Start Date of each occurrence.
- Choose an Aero Type from the drop-down or start typing to filter for the one you want.
- The Assigned To drop-down is the person who will be performing the work.
- Choose a customer or other company from the Company drop-down.
- If desired, choose a Contact from the drop-down.
- Leave the Priority at Normal or change it to Elevated or Critical.
- If you are using Hats, you can choose a Hat from the drop-down.
- If desired, you can add the Recurring Aero to an Aero Group by choosing it from the drop-down menu.
- Check the Billable box if you will be billed by the hour for this Recurring Aero.
- Check the Fixed Fee box if this Recurring Aero is part of a fixed fee engagement.
- The Subject is a short description of what the task or appointment is. This will be displayed on the Aero grids and reports.
- You can add more information or comments in the Description box. They will appear in the Comments box when people are working on the task.
Edit the Steps
You can edit any of the information for any of the steps, add a new one, or delete a step. If you originally created the Recurring Aero using a Checklist Template, editing the steps of the Recurring Aero will not make any changes to the original Checklist Template.
If you created the Recurring Aero using a Library Template, you will not be able to edit the steps.
Change the Schedule
- Click the blue Occurrence Options button to see the current schedule.
- If you want the Recurring Aero to have a new schedule, click the Delete all occurrences button. This will delete all unchanged occurrences- completed and deferred occurrences will not be deleted. If you have a lot of occurrences to delete, you may see a screen telling you how many occurrences are left to delete. You can wait while they are being deleted or close the tab and come back to it later. Once the occurrences are deleted, you can continue on to step 3 to schedule new ones.
- Choose your Renewal Pattern. How often do you want the Recurring Aero to repeat (Weekly, Every Weekday, Every Monday Wednesday Friday, Every Tuesday Thursday, Daily, Monthly, Yearly)?
- If you choose Weekly, you can choose which day or days of the week you want the Aero to repeat on.
- If you choose Monthly, you will be asked to check if you want the Aero to repeat on a certain day of the month (ie, the 19th of every month). If you leave it unchecked, the Recurring Aero will repeat on the same day of the week each month (ie, the second Tuesday of each month.
- If you choose Weekly, you can choose which day or days of the week you want the Aero to repeat on.
- Do you want the Recurring Aero to Repeat Every one month, every two months? If you want a Recurring Aero to repeat every other week, you would choose Weekly in step one and 2 in this step. Quarterly tasks would be Monthly tasks that repeat every 3 months.
- The 1st Occurrence is the first time the task or appointment will appear on someone's list. If you chose a monthly Renewal Patter, the recurrence pattern will key off of this date. For example, if you pick Monday, Jan. 2 as your start date, and have the 'day of the month' box checked, the occurrences will be scheduled for the 2nd of every month. If you leave the box unchecked, the occurrences will be scheduled for the first Monday of every month.
- Enter a date into the Repeat Until field OR enter a number in the Ends After field. You must enter something in one of these fields.
- Important: when you're done choosing your occurrence options, click the Insert Occurrences button.
- When the occurrences have been created, the Aeros tab will refresh and display all of the future occurrences.
- Click the Save & Close button to save your changes. Changes will be applied to the occurrences after you click the Save & Close button.
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