When you are creating an Aero, you can choose one of three categories: Task, Appointment, or Other.
No matter which of the three you choose, the process of creating the Aero is exactly the same. However, to the end-user (the person assigned to the Aero), the three different Aero categories look different.
The task category is pretty self-explanatory. It's an Aero that is a task, like preparing a tax return or reconciling an account. You can add a checklist to a task and create a Recurring Aero that is a task.
On the My Dashboard, My Schedule, and My List screens an Aero task is represented by the "aero-plane" icon.
Again the appointment category is pretty self-explanatory. Appointments are for Aeros that are time-dependent, like a meeting or webinar. You can add a checklist to a meeting and create a Recurring Aero that is an appointment.
On the My Dashboard, My Schedule, and My List screens an Aero appointment is represented by an orange clock icon.
The other category is used for Aeros which are neither tasks nor appointments, most often used to create notes. You can add a checklist to an Other Aero and create a recurring Aero that is Other.
On the My Dashboard and My List screens, an Aero note is represented by a circle with an "i" in it. Other Aeros do not appear on the My Schedule screen.
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